      Sassy Copenhagen fitness Yoga leggings med krydsning - Fitness shape wear Thilde - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen fitness Yoga leggings med krydsning - Fitness shape wear Thilde - Sassy Copenhagen
      Yoga leggings with crossing - Fitness shape wear Thilde - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      439 kr
      Pieces Overdele Hvid Blonde Skjorte - Vilde - Pieces
      Pieces Overdele Hvid Blonde Skjorte - Vilde - Pieces
      White Lace Shirt - Wild - Pieces
      Regular price 470 kr Sale price329 kr
      Hype The Detail Accessories 16013 Basic Logo Strømpebukser Blå 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      • Hype The Detail Accessories 16052 Hjerte Strømpebukser Sort25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      • Hype The Detail Accessories 16147 Sort Basic H logo Strømpebukser 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      • Hype The Detail strømper 16661 - Glimmer logo Strømpebukser 50 DEN - H logo sort
      16013 Basic Logo Tights Blue 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      Hype The Detail
      235 kr
      Hype The Detail Accessories Hype The Detail - 21063 -75 HTD Logo Nylon Strømper - Sort/Hvid
      Hype The Detail Accessories Hype The Detail - 21063 -75 HTD Logo Nylon Strømper - Sort/Hvid
      Hype The Detail - 21063 -75 HTD Logo Nylon Socks - Black/White
      Hype The Detail
      118 kr
      T-shirt - Oversize black - Kokoon - Noisy May
      Noisy May
      313 kr
      Sassy Copenhagen t-shirts & toppe Asymmetrisk t-shirt - Hvid - Lisa - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen t-shirts & toppe Asymmetrisk t-shirt - Hvid - Lisa - Sassy Copenhagen
      Asymmetric t-shirt - White - Lisa - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      392 kr
      Sassy Copenhagen Overdele Bikini top - Sort - Naya - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen Overdele Bikini top - Sort - Naya - Sassy Copenhagen
      Bikini top - Black - Naya - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      313 kr
      T-shirt - Oversize white - Kokoon - Noisy May
      Noisy May
      313 kr
      Sassy Copenhagen t-shirts & toppe Statement t-shirt - The meaning of life - Helia - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen t-shirts & toppe Statement t-shirt - The meaning of life - Helia - Sassy Copenhagen
      Statement t-shirt Pablo Picasso - The meaning of life - Helia - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      313 kr
      Sissel Edelbo Overdele Broderet anglaise skjorte - Eddie hvid - Sissel Edelbo
      Sissel Edelbo Overdele Broderi anglaise binde skjorte - Eddie hvid - Sissel Edelbo
      Embroidery anglaise tie shirt - Eddie white - Sissel Edelbo sss
      Sissel Edelbo
      2 199 kr
      Pieces Underdele Sort Hør Bukser - Vinsty - Pieces
      Pieces Underdele Sort Hør Bukser - Vinsty - Pieces
      Black Linen Pants - Vinsty - Pieces
      Regular price 470 kr Sale price235 kr
      JJXX - T-shirt - Black - Friend
      235 kr
      Noisy May - Statement t-shirt - Oversize gray - Kokoon kim
      Noisy May
      313 kr
      Hype The Detail Accessories Hype The Detail - 21496 Logo Strømper - Sort med Hvid
      Hype The Detail Accessories Hype The Detail - 21496 Logo Strømper - Sort med Hvid
      Hype The Detail - 21496 Logo Socks - Black with White
      Hype The Detail
      118 kr
      Grå melange polo t-shirt med krave og knapper. Kortærmet og klassisk design.
      JDY - Polo shirt - Gray melange - Sanni
      313 kr
      Hvid oversized T-shirt med rund hals. Grafisk print "KISS ME" og store læber på forsiden.
      Noisy May - Tshirt - Kiss Me - White - IDA KIM
      Noisy May
      282 kr
      Only - Palliet oversize t-shirt - Black - Fiona
      549 kr
      Sort polo-t-shirt med kort ærme og krave med knapper, klassisk design, regelmæssig pasform.
      JDY - Polo shirt - Black - Sanni
      313 kr
      Noisy may - Jeggings - black - HW - Moly
      Noisy May
      470 kr
      MbyM Underdele Bukser - Blue - Akari-M  - Mbym
      MbyM Underdele Bukser - Blue - Akari-M  - Mbym
      Pants - Blue - Akari-M - Mbym
      Regular price 1 178 kr Sale price354 kr
      Hype The Detail Accessories 16013 Basic Logo Strømpebukser Beige 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      Hype The Detail Accessories 16013 Basic Logo Strømpebukser Beige 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      16013 Basic Logo Tights Beige 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      Hype The Detail
      235 kr
      Sorte fitnessleggings med høj talje og tekstur, fuld længde til anklerne.
      Sassy Copenhagen - Fitness leggings - Black - Kassy
      Sassy Copenhagen
      392 kr
      Person med leopardmønstrede leggings i brun, høj talje og fuld længde til anklerne.
      Sassy Copenhagen - Fitness leggings - Brown leo - Lelu
      Sassy Copenhagen
      392 kr
      Liberté t-shirts & toppe Viskose t-shirt - Sort Natalia - Liberté
      Liberté t-shirts & toppe Viskose t-shirt - Sort Natalia - Liberté
      Viscose t-shirt - Black Natalia - Liberté
      313 kr
      Sofie Schnoor Underdele Denim Baggy Jeans - Sort Denim - S234252 Zila Sofie Schnoor
      Denim Baggy Jeans - Black Denim - S234252 Zila Sofie Schnoor
      Sofie Schnoor
      Regular price 1 413 kr Sale price707 kr
      Hype The Detail Accessories Hype The Detail - 21063 -75 HTD Logo Nylon Strømper - Sort/Pink
      Hype The Detail Accessories Hype The Detail - 21063 -75 HTD Logo Nylon Strømper - Sort/Pink
      Hype The Detail - 21063 -75 HTD Logo Nylon Socks - Black/Pink
      Hype The Detail
      118 kr
      Liberté Underdele Isa Mesh Leggings - Flower Lace (kopi)
      Lace leggings - Black - Isa - Liberté
      Regular price 392 kr Sale price274 kr
      Sorte mesh-bukser med rhinesten, gennemsigtige ben og solidt bælte foroven.
      Only - Pants - Mesh rhine - black - Torvi
      706 kr
      MY ESSENTIAL WARDROPE t-shirts & toppe T-shirt - Black wash - ManydMW tee - MY ESSENTIAL WARDROPE
      T-shirt - Black wash - ManydMW tee - MY ESSENTIAL WARDROBE
      549 kr
      Pieces Overdele Sort Blonde Skjorte - Vilde - Pieces
      Pieces Overdele Sort Blonde Skjorte - Vilde - Pieces
      Black Lace Shirt - Wild - Pieces
      Regular price 470 kr Sale price329 kr
      Sissel Edelbo Overdele Sissel Edelbo
      Cotton shirt - White - Maibritt organic cotton - Sissel Edelbo sss
      Sissel Edelbo
      2 356 kr
      Hype The Detail Accessories 16147 Sort Basic H logo Strømpebukser 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      16147 Black Basic H logo Tights 25 DEN - Hype The Detail
      Hype The Detail
      235 kr
      Nü Denmark Overdele NÜ Denmark - Rachel SKjorte - Hvid
      Nü Denmark Overdele NÜ Denmark - Rachel SKjorte - Hvid
      NÜ Denmark - Rachel SHIRT - White
      Nü Denmark
      Regular price 1 014 kr Sale price305 kr
      Fitness leggings - White/Grey/Brown - Ollie - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      392 kr
      Ball Original Underdele Trænings Leggings - Spicer Bordeaux - Ball Original
      Training Leggings - Spicer Bordeaux - Ball Original
      Ball Original
      1 256 kr
      Pieces Underdele Leggings - HW shiny sort - Pieces
      Pieces Underdele Leggings - HW shiny sort - Pieces
      Leggings - HW shiny black - Pieces
      360 kr
      Noisy May Underdele Grå Suitpants - Debbie - Noisy May
      Noisy May Underdele Grå Suitpants - Debbie - Noisy May
      Gray Suitpants - Debbie - Noisy May
      Noisy May
      Regular price 470 kr Sale price235 kr
      Person i grøn fitnesssæt med krydsstropper og højtaljede leggings, set bagfra.
      Sassy Copenhagen - Nova Yoga set with adjustable cross straps - Fitness shape set - blue
      Sassy Copenhagen
      628 kr
      Re:Designed - Pants - Black leather - Hudson
      2 042 kr
      Pieces Underdele Nylonstrømpebukser - Sort 20 den - Shaper - Pieces
      Pieces Underdele Nylonstrømpebukser - Sort 20 den - Shaper - Pieces
      Nylon tights - Black 20 den - Shaper - Pieces
      188 kr
      Oversized T-shirt i tibetansk rød med hvid tekst "REBEL MOON", rund halsudskæring og lange ærmer.
      Noisy May - Statement T-shirt - Tibetan red - Mille
      Noisy May
      392 kr
      Person bagfra med hvid t-shirt, tekst trykt på ryggen med ord som "road trips" og "tender hugs".
      Statement t-shirt - Need money for Porsche - Kira - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      470 kr
      Sort T-shirt med rund hals, korte ærmer og teksten "DES MONTAGES FRANCE MONT BLANC" foran.
      Sofie Schnoor - T-shirt - Zitasw - Washed black - S244450
      Sofie Schnoor
      785 kr
      Hunkøn Underdele Leopard Velour Leggings - Angela - Hunkøn
      Leopard Velor Leggings - Angela - Female
      785 kr
      Andcopenhagen strømper Strømper - Sort - Viola - Andcopenhagen (Bemærk preorder)
      Socks - Black - Viola - Andcopenhagen
      93 kr
      Créton Underdele Suit bukser - Veneda Latte - CRÈTON
      Créton Underdele Suit bukser - Veneda Latte - CRÈTON
      Suit trousers - Veneda Latte - CRÈTON
      Regular price 1 413 kr Sale price424 kr
      Hype The Detail strømper 16661 - Glimmer logo Strømpebukser 50 DEN - H logo sort
      16661 - Glimmer logo Tights 50 DEN - H logo black
      Hype The Detail
      470 kr
      Sorte jeans med perler, høj talje, lige pasform, for- og baglommer.
      YAS - Jeans - Sort denim med perler - Penny
      1 099 kr
      Sofie Schnoor - Jeans - Black washed - Snos569
      Sofie Schnoor
      1 256 kr
      Grå leggings med elastisk linning og tætsiddende pasform. Ingen mønstre eller udsmykninger.
      CC HEART - Leggings - Wool - Gray Melange - Lana
      CC HEART
      706 kr
      Karl Lagerfeld strømper Strømper - IKONIK 2.0 SOCKS 3 PACK - Karl lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld strømper Strømper - IKONIK 2.0 SOCKS 3 PACK - Karl lagerfeld
      Socks - IKONIK 2.0 SOCKS 3 PACK - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld
      706 kr
      Karl Lagerfeld t-shirts & toppe T-shirt - Sort - Signature t-shirt - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld t-shirts & toppe T-shirt - Sort - Signature t-shirt - Karl Lagerfeld
      T-shirt - Black - Signature t-shirt - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld
      1 303 kr
      Sofie Schnoor t-shirts & toppe T-shirt - Awareness - S243412/ZenaSW - Sofie Schnoor
      Sofie Schnoor t-shirts & toppe T-shirt - Awareness - S243412/ZenaSW - Sofie Schnoor
      T-shirt - Awareness - S243412/ZenaSW - Sofie Schnoor
      Sofie Schnoor
      628 kr
      Only Underdele Sorte Leggings - Live Love - Only
      Only Underdele Sorte Leggings - Live Love - Only
      Black Leggings - Live Love - Only
      Regular price 313 kr Sale price157 kr
      Selected Femme Underdele Sorte Læderbukser - Læderleggings - Sylvia Selected Femme
      Selected Femme Underdele Sorte Læderbukser - Læderleggings - Sylvia Selected Femme
      Black Leather Pants - Leather Leggings - Sylvia Selected Femme
      Selected Femme
      Regular price 4 714 kr Sale price3 300 kr
      Sofie Schnoor - Leggings - Sort - AvelinaSW - Snos525
      Sofie Schnoor
      785 kr
      Meshleggings med dyreprint og elastisk talje. Tætsiddende design for en stilfuld pasform.
      Lace leggings - Black - Isa - Liberté
      392 kr
      Enkel, lys polo-t-shirt med korte ærmer, standardkrave og knaplukning.
      JDY - Polo shirt - Cloud dancer - Sanni
      313 kr
      Sorte leggings i mesh med små sorte hjerter og elastisk linning. Formtilpasset og fuld længde.
      Lace leggings - Black - Isa - Liberté
      392 kr
      T-shirt med "FEARLESS TOUR" tekst og ørnedesign, rund hals og korte ærmer.
      Sofie Schnoor - T-shirt - Zenasw - Off white - S24440
      Sofie Schnoor
      785 kr
      LALA BERLIN - Socks - White/Blue - Amaya sss
      219 kr
      Person i orange leggings og stor sweater, poserer dynamisk. Leggings er højtaljede og ankellange.
      LALA BERLIN - Leggings - Cotton hot orange - Leonie
      926 kr
      Andcopenhagen strømper Strømper - Brun - Viola - Andcopenhagen (Bemærk preorder)
      Socks - Brown - Viola - Andcopenhagen
      93 kr
      Andcopenhagen strømper Strømper - Beige - Viola - Andcopenhagen (Bemærk preorder)
      Andcopenhagen strømper Strømper - Beige - Viola - Andcopenhagen (Bemærk preorder)
      Socks - Beige - Viola - Andcopenhagen
      93 kr
      Noisy May Underdele Leggings - Grå/sort - Tammura - Noisy May
      Noisy May Underdele Leggings - Grå/sort - Tammura - Noisy May
      Leggings - Grey/black - Tammura - Noisy May
      Noisy May
      470 kr
      mbyM Underdele MBYM - Andela Bukser - Sort
      mbyM Underdele MBYM - Andela Bukser - Sort
      MBYM - Andela Pants - Black
      Regular price 1 099 kr Sale price550 kr
      Tre par sokker i hvid, grå og sort med Karl Lagerfeld-logo og broderet kunst på hælen.
      Socks - IKONIK 2.0 SOCKS 3 PACK - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld
      659 kr
      Hvid T-shirt med teksten "I ONLY WEAR THE LATEST THING IT'S MY JOB," crew neck og korte ærmer.
      Karl Lagerfeld - Statement T-shirt - Hvid - Quote
      Karl Lagerfeld
      1 140 kr
      Sort T-shirt med rund hals og korte ærmer, hvid "KARL LAGERFELD" branding på brystet.
      Karl Lagerfeld - T-shirt - Sort - Essential
      Karl Lagerfeld
      1 020 kr
      Sorte leggings med synlige syninger og elastisk talje med "KARL LAGERFELD" logo.
      Karl Lagerfeld - Leggings - Black Logo
      Karl Lagerfeld
      2 278 kr
      Sort T-shirt med hvid signatur ved kanten, rund hals og korte ærmer.
      T-shirt - Black - Signature hem - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld
      1 555 kr
      Person i hvid t-shirt med blå tekst: "Beautiful thinking; The best comfort food will always be greens and bread."
      Statement t-shirt - Need money for Porsche - Kira - Sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      392 kr
      Leggings med elastisk talje, tætsiddende pasform, i farven hasselnød melange.
      CC HEART - Leggings - Wool - Hazel Melange - Lana
      CC HEART
      706 kr
      Sorte leggings med elastisk talje og tætsiddende pasform. Opsamlet ved anklerne.
      CC HEART - Leggings - Wool - Black - Lana
      CC HEART
      706 kr
      Karl Lagerfeld strømper Strømper - ESSENTIAL LOGO PACK OF 2 - Karl lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld strømper Strømper - ESSENTIAL LOGO PACK OF 2 - Karl lagerfeld
      Socks - ESSENTIAL LOGO PACK OF 2 - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld
      706 kr
      Karl Lagerfeld t-shirts & toppe T-shirt - Sort - Signature hem - Karl Lagerfeld
      T-shirt - Black - Signature hem - Karl Lagerfeld
      Karl Lagerfeld
      1 555 kr
      Sassy Copenhagen bukser Blødeste capri yoga bukser - Illy sort - sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen bukser Blødeste capri yoga bukser - Illy sort - sassy Copenhagen
      Softest capri yoga leggings - Tilly black - sassy Copenhagen
      Sassy Copenhagen
      392 kr
      Ball Original t-shirts & toppe t-shirt - Grå - Ball tobelli - Ball original
      Ball Original t-shirts & toppe t-shirt - Grå - Ball tobelli - Ball original
      t-shirt - Gray - Ball tobelli - Ball original
      Ball Original
      628 kr
      Only skjorte Stribet skjorte - Hvid/beige - Pena - Only
      Only skjorte Stribet skjorte - Hvid/beige - Pena - Only
      Striped shirt - White/beige - Pena - Only
      Regular price 470 kr Sale price235 kr
      Missoni strømper Strømper - Grøn glimmer - CA00VMD6962 - Missoni
      Missoni strømper Strømper - Lyserød glimmer - CA00VMD6962 - Missoni (kopi)
      Socks - Green glitter - CA00VMD6962 - Missoni
      470 kr

      Basic clothes for an easy everyday life

      Basic clothing is the cornerstone of any wardrobe and plays a vital role in making your everyday life simpler and more efficient. It is important to have reliable and versatile clothing available that can be used for different activities and occasions. Our selection of basics ensures that you always have the essential pieces ready for any situation, from everyday use to more relaxed moments.

      How do you choose basic clothes?

      When choosing basic clothing, it is important to focus on quality and comfort. Start with the most useful pieces that can be easily combined with the rest of your wardrobe. Also consider the functionality; choose materials that are durable and comfortable against the skin. Basics are versatile and can be adapted to different needs and activities.

      Sticking to simple colors like black, white and gray makes it easier to match your clothes on a daily basis without any hassle. Remember to also think about the season – light materials in summer and warmer textiles in winter ensure comfort all year round.

      Tips for choosing basics in Copenhagen

      Choosing the right basics is about finding clothes that are both practical and comfortable. Start by assessing your daily routine and your needs. Basics should be versatile and easy to combine with other pieces in your wardrobe. Also consider the season; light fabrics for the summer and warmer textiles for the winter ensure that you are dressed at all times.

      Find the best basic CPH

      When looking for the best basic clothing, there are some key factors to consider:

      • Comfort: Choose clothes that feel good against the skin.
      • Flexibility: Basics should be easy to match with other pieces in your wardrobe.
      • Durability: Make sure the garment can withstand daily use.

      Having a good base of basics makes your everyday life more efficient and stylish without difficulty.

      What are the benefits of basic clothing?

      Basic clothes are essential items that can add value to your wardrobe. These pieces are designed to be versatile and easy to style with other elements. They provide practical choices for everyday life where functionality is important. With a focus on materials designed to withstand everyday wear, basic clothing ensures you always have something appropriate to wear.

      Comfort and durability in basic clothing

      Basic clothing combines comfort and durability in a way that makes it indispensable in everyday life. The materials are carefully selected to ensure maximum comfort without compromising durability. Regardless of whether you choose T-SHIRTS & TOPS or CASUAL & SWEAT , you can count on products that last.

      • Soft materials for optimal comfort
      • Strong stitching for long-lasting use
      • Classic designs that never go out of style

      This combination ensures that your basic clothing not only looks good, but also feels good throughout the day.

      How to start with fitness basics

      Getting started with fitness can seem overwhelming, but with the right basics, it becomes much easier. First of all, it's about choosing clothes that give you freedom of movement and comfort. Be sure to choose clothing that is flexible and comfortable so you can focus on your workout without distractions.

      Effective training routines with Basic Fit

      An effective exercise routine begins with basic exercises such as squats, lunges and push-ups. These exercises do not require advanced equipment, but can still give good results. By combining these exercises with appropriate clothing, you can ensure an optimal training session without the distractions of uncomfortable clothing.

      Also consider including variations in your exercises to avoid monotony and keep motivation high. With a good basic wardrobe, you can quickly switch between different activities without difficulty.

      This guide helps you get off to a simple start on your fitness journey by choosing the right basics and maintaining an effective routine. Explore our category to learn more about fitness essentials and get more tips to get you started.